Friday, October 28, 2005

We Got Tickets!!!

It's really happening. We received our tickets and travel itinerary and, most important, our TA (Travel Authorization from the Chinese Government).

Here's our (tentative) itinerary:

Nov. 17: 0730 Depart Baltimore/Washington airport for Chicago Ohare; 1205 depart Chicago for Beijing . . .

Nov 18: 1540 (local time; 0340 EST. East coast US is 12 hours behind China) Arrive Beijing International airport
Nov. 19: free day (thank goodness! We'll need SLEEP)
Nov. 20-22 Tour Beijing, Great Wall, etc (shopping)

Nov. 22 1125 depart Beijing for Nanchang; GOTCHA DAY (we get Elizabeth Xiang Bing!!!)
Nov. 23-25 Various adoption paperwork appointments, etc. Receive Little Empress's passport.
Nov. 25 1500 depart Nanchang for Guangzhou

Nov 25-30 Visa appointments, medical checkup, more paperwork . . .
Nov. 30 0930 depart Gunagzhou for Hong Kong

Dec 1 1135 Depart Hong Kong for Chicago Ohare (we're going home!!!) Arrive 1140 am Chicago time (work that out); 1400 depart Chicago for BWI, ETA 1530

Times could change, but we hope days don't.

Please pray/think good thoughts, as there are worrying reports that China might halt all travel in/out due to Bird Flu.

The countdown to our Journey to Elizabeth begins . . .


Family Bits said...

How exciting!!! WOW.
We'll be following your journey so hopefully you'll be able to keep us abreast of everything daily!!!

Anonymous said...

We are all excited! Hope you have a safe trip to and from. Everytime Mama sees a little girl she gets excited. Mama also thinks you should take a pacifer....Good look on your trip home with 3. Love to all, Mama & Margaret