Saturday, December 17, 2005

New Photos!

And now, for all of Ellie Bing's fans, more photos of an increasingly photogenic little girl. Not much news, as we've been snowed/iced in for most of a week, but we ventured forth to Wal-Mart and the mall this morning to get professional photo portraits done and to pick up other bits and bobs.

Ellie was a trooper, after some coaxing allowing some photos to be taken by the photographer without pitching into tears, then putting up with the mall crowds with good grace (aslong as she had her stash of Cheerios, which seems to be her version of the cure for a rainy day!

The Empress's warmest holiday agreetings to all. Note the photo of the family lighting the Advent candles at church last Sunday. She did great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I tried to get in touch with you at the email you sent me at Christmas, but could not. I found this letter as I was cleaning my desk this week. So sorry, that I have waited so long to reply. What a beautiful daughter you have. I know you are thrilled and blessed to have such a gift. I enjoyed all these photos and notes so much.

I am now teaching drama and am almost ready to retire, except about two weeks into the summer, I miss all my students so much! My mother lives with me full time (She is almost 92!) and we get along well MOST of the time. I now have two grandsons that I almost never see because they live on the west coast, and it is terrible! I miss them and my son and daughter-in-law so much!

It was good to hear from you and catch up on all the news. Thank you for your note.